THIS IS FOR BROTHERS AND SISTERS WHO KNOW WHAT IT MEANS FOR A HOUSE TO LEAK OVER YOUR BED AT 2 AM IN THE MORNING AND WHAT IT MEANS TO LACK A PROPER TOILET.. TO NAIROBI'S KIBERA,KAMPALA'S KISENYI AND DAR-ES-SALAAMS TEMEKE. ENJOY OF YOU CAN. HOME. As big as a cell of a prison but not that big without reason we live like we did commit treason, but its we who got robbed by that person whose hands are coloured crimson. He and many whose tongues are honey flavored so that they can get highly placed hands oiled to make their vices never get foiled. Here in this "place of cool waters" where they can step on our toes and keep being our foes, in their money chase that is now hectic without being apologetic.. Enough about them,now about my home; now about this place where my soul rests where I can come and forget my sorrows. This my place where I find true solace, away from the madding populace, even though my bedsides are held up by shoe lace.. A tiny murky stream flows as if i...