messed up bad..
Did you ever mess up your life so bad that you thought it would never be possible to redeem your lost self? Did you ever get into scum so deep that you believed getting out of the stench hole is a dream that you would never see come true?
Well I’m in one of those now. I screwed up in my exams and my course is nothing close to what I thought it would be, my college also tells me that I cannot get a change of course as late as this; so until the next academic year, I’ll do what I do best; write till my head crumbles..
Check this one out
The fuck up
My brother is truly my keeper
He tells me lead and rocks
And it weighs me down,
So bad
‘Fuck up
And fuck up some more
Then know and believe it
That you’ll stand alone always’
His vibes bite
And tear me apart
I want to escape
But he holds steady.
‘Shut the fuck up!’
I wail
‘No I won’t!
I’m your brother.’
I won’t run away
Not from this one
Not like I did before
Not like I want to so badly...
I pick my back-pack
And a match box,
There’s two blunts somewhere
They’ll blot out these issues
But I’m running away
Like the coward me
Always does
Running away in a circle
My soul’s eyes twitch and blink
Then they get misty...
You truly fucked up
Like you have never done.
‘Now grow up and be a man!’
He shouts
‘Sniff away those things
Hold down your own shit!!’